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Ireland—Company limited by guarantee (CLG)

Produced in partnership with Inez Cullen of Philip Lee
Practice notes

Ireland—Company limited by guarantee (CLG)

Produced in partnership with Inez Cullen of Philip Lee

Practice notes


A company limited by guarantee is a type of company with members who have undertaken to contribute to the assets of the company in the event of its being wound up. This Practice Note summarises the main features of a company limited by guarantee in Ireland and why a guarantee company might be used as a vehicle to carry on a business as opposed to a company limited by shares.

This practice note has been produced in partnership with Inez Cullen of Philip Lee.

What is a company limited by guarantee (CLG)?

A company limited by guarantee (CLG) is provided for in Part 18 of the Companies Act 2014 (Ireland) (CA 2014 (IRL)).

A CLG is a company which does not have a share capital and the constitution of which provides that the liability of its members is limited to such amount as the members may, in the constitution, respectively undertake to contribute to the assets of the CLG in the event of it being wound up.

The provisions of the CA 2014 (IRL)

Inez Cullen
Inez Cullen

Partner, Philip Lee

Inez is a partner in Philip Lee’s corporate department. She focuses on advising She domestic and international clients doing business in or through Ireland.
Inez has wide ranging transactional experience across various sectors. She has represented clients on domestic and cross-border mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, fundraisings, AIM admissions and placings, Takeover Code issues, start-up investments, corporate recovery/insolvency, development finance transactions, corporate governance, commercial contracts, employment law issues and general corporate/commercial law matters for Irish and international clients.
Inez is a qualified Irish and UK lawyer. Her knowledge, together with practical experience, enables her to represent companies, directors, shareholders, debtors and creditors alike with a strong focus on commercial realism, flexibility and attention to detail.

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