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CIPD report on menstruation and support at work

Published on: 24 November 2023

Table of contents

  • What are the practical implications of this report?
  • What is the background to the report?
  • What were the key findings?
  • Prevalence of symptoms
  • Impact at work
  • The wider impact of menstruation at work
  • Implications and recommendations for organisations

Article summary

Employment analysis: The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) has published the findings from its survey of over 2,000 women, aged 18–60. The report looks at the prevalence and type of menstruation symptoms, their impact on work, menstrual health conditions and the impact these have on the ability of employees to stay in and progress at work. It highlights the difference workplace support can make and the types of adjustments that are seen to be most helpful when managing symptoms at work.

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