Legal News

Unaoil—a difficult lesson on disclosure for the SFO (R v Akle and another)

Published on: 15 December 2021

Article summary

Corporate Crime analysis: The conviction of Mr Akle has been overturned by the Court of Appeal following a finding that he did not have a fair trial, and the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) has been denied a retrial. As a result of the ruling, the Attorney General has announced that an independent review will be conducted into the SFO’s handling of the case and there are claims in some quarters that the Director’s position has become untenable. It is important to note, however, that despite the criticism of the Director, the Court of Appeal did not find that the high hurdle for an abuse of process was met. The appeal was allowed primarily on the basis of failures in disclosure, meaning that legal arguments to exclude an alleged co-conspirator’s guilty plea were hampered such that the conviction of Mr Akle was unsafe. Written by Quinton Newcomb, partner and head of Commercial Crime, and William Glover, senior associate (barrister)...

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