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Ireland—Policy—internet, email and communications

Published by a Lexis+ Ireland - Employment expert

Ireland—Policy—internet, email and communications

Published by a Lexis+ Ireland - Employment expert


This Precedent is an internal-facing policy for an employer’s use in relation to employees, other workers and contractors, dealing with the use and monitoring of email, telephone, internet and other electronic communications systems, networks and equipment. It is designed for an employer to include in a staff handbook or use as a stand-alone policy.

This material considers the EU GDPR regime, and legislative links are to Regulation (EU) 2016/679, EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR), except where expressly stated otherwise.

This Precedent has been drafted to take account of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, EU GDPR and DPA 2018 (IRL).

For a basic, short-form policy, which may be more suitable for a small or medium-sized employer which does not have complex IT systems, see Precedent: Ireland—Policy—internet, email and communications (short form).

This Precedent does not cover issues specifically relating to social media. See instead Precedent: Ireland—Policy—social media. An employer may wish to deal with social media and internet, email and communications together, in which case the relevant provisions from the two policies can be combined.

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