Are the human, legal, and business skills solicitors recognised as the most important ones, in fact, the most lacking in the profession?
In this report, we’ve investigated the attributes that solicitors consider to be essential in today’s rapidly changing legal landscape and how these fit in with their roles. From what we’ve seen, there is a fundamental disconnect that mirrors what previous Bellwether reports have identified; there is a tendency to cling to the status quo, even when beneficial changes, with clearly articulated parameters of success, are identified.
Our findings from the ‘Bellwether Report 2019: The Good Solicitor’s Skill Set’ found that:

There is clear consensus that these skills are vital – but what exactly do solicitors mean by good human skills and good business skills? Lawyers consider business skills, to be of critical importance to success.
When pressed, respondents view many of the individual business skills as less essential, or even simply “nice to have”. It may be that it’s easier to adhere to the status quo: the comfortable mindset of the trusted advisor who solves problems on behalf of their clients.
But could it speak to a more fundamental disconnect between ideals and reality?
Download the report to read out findings in full >>>
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