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  1. View details Shawcross and Beaumont: Air Law
    Author(s): Andreas Rühmkorf, Auguste Hocking, David McClean, George Leloudas, Ingrid Koning, Katherine B. Posner, Michael Gill, Philip Chrystal
    ISBN: 9780406998361
    Publication Date: January 1991

    Shawcross and Beaumont: Air Law includes everything you need to know about aviation law.

    £ 4,336.00
  2. View details Butterworths Property Law Service
    Author(s): Mark Richards, Dr Nicholas Roberts, Robert M Abbey, Stephen Desmond
    ISBN: 9780406996510
    Publication Date: January 1996

    Butterworths Property Law Service provides, in a two-volume looseleaf, a comprehensive source of reference on conveyancing.

    £ 1,523.00
  3. View details Hill and Redman's Law of Landlord and Tenant
    Author(s): Beatrice Prevatt, Benjamin Faulkner, Camilla Lamont, Greville Healey, Michael Barnes KC, Roger Thomas, David di Mambro, James Ayliffe, Joanne R Moss, John Furber KC, John Male KC, Jonathan Karas KC, Myriam Stacey, Neil Baylis, Nicholas Taggart, Paddy Behan, Tiffany Scott KC, Timothy Harry, Wayne Clark, Louisa Nye MA
    ISBN: 9780406998163
    Publication Date: January 1996

    Hill and Redman's Law of Landlord and Tenant is well-established as the leading practitioner work on landlord and tenant law.

    £ 2,708.00
  4. View details Butterworths Company Secretarial Procedures and Precedents (Pay-In-Advance Subscription)
    Author(s): Susan Wallace, Bruce Wallace
    ISBN: 9780406996459
    Publication Date: January 1996

    Butterworths Company Secretarial Procedures and Precedents (Pay-In-Advance Subscription) provides company directors and their advisers with a range of documents and clauses which can be used for running a company.

    £ 1,834.00
  5. View details Ross: Commercial Leases
    Author: Richard Quenby
    ISBN: 9780406896193
    Publication Date: December 1998

    Ross: Commercial Leases is the acknowledged market-leading text in the commercial property field.

    £ 1,587.00
  6. View details Butterworths Civil Court Precedents
    Author(s): P K J Thompson KC, Louise di Mambro, Nicholas Bacon KC, Charles Bourne, John Gimlette, Mike Hinchliffe, Rachel Kamm, Andrew Lewis, Josh Lewison, Richard Mawrey KC, Paul Mertens, Philip Perrins, Malcolm Sheehan, Nathan Wells, Caroline Willbourne
    ISBN: 9780406048479
    Publication Date: January 1991
    Butterworths Civil Court Precedents gives detailed guidance on the legal and practical implications of all forms of drafting for county court and High Court litigation.
    £ 2,305.00
  7. View details Buckley on the Companies Acts 15th edition
    Author(s): Dame Mary Arden DBE, Dan Prentice, Mr Justice David Richards
    ISBN: 9780406141514
    Publication Date: June 2000

    Buckley on the Companies Acts 15th edition is the leading practitioner annotated guide to companies legislation, comprising detailed expert commentary on the Companies Act 2006 and how it applies.

    £ 3,363.00
  8. View details Butterworths Road Traffic Service
    Author: Rhys Rosser
    ISBN: 9780406996541
    Publication Date: January 1996

    Butterworths Road Traffic Service is a highly respected authority on all matters relating to road traffic offences and the relevant law.

    £ 1,757.00
  9. View details Butterworths Costs Service
    Author(s): Professor Mark Hill KC, Master Jason Rowley, Simon Middleton, Professor David Chalk, Louise di Mambro, Nicholas Bacon KC, Adam Gadd, Master Colum Leonard, District Judge Chris Lethem
    ISBN: 9780406996442
    Publication Date: January 1996

    Butterworths Costs Service contains a complete statement and explanation of the law relating to contentious costs of civil proceedings, costs in criminal proceedings, non-contentious costs, public funding and counsel's remuneration.

    £ 1,840.00
  10. View details Company Law in Europe
    Author: Jonathan Edgelow
    ISBN: 9780406996633
    Publication Date: January 1991

    Company Law in Europe provides a concise summary of the most important aspects of European company laws.

    £ 1,391.00
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