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TolleyLibrary Light Yellow Tax Handbook

TolleyLibrary Light Yellow Tax Handbook ensures you have a complete view of contemporary tax legislation.
Publisher: LNUK
In Stock
Published: June 20, 2014
ISBN/ISSN: 97814743040928
Publisher: LNUK

Product description

Why you should buy TolleyLibrary Light Yellow Tax Handbook

Tolley®Library Light is a new service, offering the content you need in a quick and simple online platform for the same price as the print.

By subscribing to Tolley®Library Light you will get a wide range of benefits, including:
• The reassurance that the content is always completely up-to-date
• The ability to only subscribe to the titles that you need online
• Access to the HMRC manuals within our simple to use online library, which are updated daily so they always reflect any changes HMRC make
• A daily newsfeed that provides short news summaries to ensure that you don’t miss anything

Tolley's Yellow Tax Handbook ensures you have a complete view of contemporary tax legislation. This book is endorsed by the Chartered Institute of Taxation. The new edition contains direct tax legislation, EU derivatives and essential HMRC material. The impact and implications of the Finance Act 2014 are expertly covered by Tolley's tax team. Technical legislation is punctuated by helpful cross-references from the latest Acts, to the Revenue Internal Guidance Manuals and commentary in Simon's Taxes.


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Table of contents


PARTS 1A, 1B, 1C
Publishers’ note and key dates
Meaning of “the Taxes Acts”
Retrospective legislation

Acts before 1970
Taxes Management Act 1970
Other Acts 1970–1987
Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988
Other Acts 1988–1991
Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992
Other Acts 1992–2000
Capital Allowances Act 2001
Other Acts 2001–2002
Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act 2003
Finance Act 2003
Finance Act 2004
Other Acts 2004
Income Tax (Trading and Other Income) Act 2005
Other Acts 2005–2006
Income Tax Act 2007
Other Acts 2007–2008
Corporation Tax Act 2009
Finance Act 2009
Corporation Tax Act 2010
Taxation (International and Other Provisions) Act 2010
Finance Act 2010
Constitutional Reform and Governance Act 2010
Finance (No 2) Act 2010
Finance (No 3) Act 2010
Equitable Life (Payments) Act 2010
Budget Responsibility and National Audit Act 2011
Finance Act 2011
Finance Act 2012
Small Charitable Donations Act 2012
Trusts (Capital and Income) Act 2013
Finance Act 2013
Tribunals (Scotland Act) 2014
Finance Act 2014
Revenue Scotland and Tax Powers Act 2014
Wales Act 2014
Taxation of Pensions Act 2014
Finance Act 2015
Corporation Tax (Northern Ireland) Act 2015
Index and “Words & Phrases”

Publishers’ note and key dates
Meaning of “the Taxes Acts”
Statutory instruments
Index and “Words & Phrases”

Publishers’ note and key dates
Meaning of “the Taxes Acts”
EC Treaty and legislation
Extra-statutory concessions
Statements of practice
Revenue interpretations
Revenue decisions
Press releases etc
Revenue codes of practice
Miscellaneous non-statutory material
Index and “Words & Phrases”

Publishers’ note and key dates
Meaning of “the Taxes Acts”
Retrospective legislation

Probate and Legacy Duties Act 1808
Administration of Estates Act 1925
Finance (No 2) Act 1931
Finance Act 1940
Crown Proceedings Act 1947
Finance Act 1975
Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975
Finance Act 1976
Interpretation Act 1978
National Heritage Act 1980
Supreme Court Act 1981
Finance Act 1984
Inheritance Tax Act 1984
Finance Act 1985
Finance Act 1986
Finance Act 1987
Finance (No 2) Act 1987
Finance Act 1989
Finance Act 1990
Finance Act 1991
Finance (No 2) Act 1992
Finance Act 1993
Finance Act 1994
Finance Act 1995
Finance Act 1996
Finance Act 1997
Finance Act 1998
Human Rights Act 1998
Finance Act 1999
Finance Act 2000
Finance Act 2001
Finance Act 2002
Finance Act 2003
Finance Act 2004
Finance Act 2006
Finance Act 2007
Finance Act 2008
Finance Act 2009
Finance Act 2010
Finance (No 3) Act 2010
Finance Act 2011
Finance Act 2012
Finance Act 2013
Finance Act 2014
Finance Act 2015
Statutory instruments
Extra-statutory concessions
Statements of practice
HMRC Interpretations
Press releases

Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988
Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992
Capital Allowances Act 2001
Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act 2003
Income Tax (Pay As You Earn) Regulations 2003
Income Tax (Trading and Other Income) Act 2005
Income Tax Act 2007
Corporation Tax Act 2009
Corporation Tax Act 2010
Taxation (International and Other Provisions) Act 2010