Author(s): P K J Thompson KC, Louise di Mambro, Nicholas Bacon KC, Charles Bourne, John Gimlette, Mike Hinchliffe, Rachel Kamm, Andrew Lewis, Josh Lewison, Richard Mawrey KC, Paul Mertens, Philip Perrins, Malcolm Sheehan, Nathan Wells, Caroline Willbourne
ISBN: 9780406048479
Publication Date:
January 1991
Butterworths Civil Court Precedents gives detailed guidance on the legal and practical implications of all forms of drafting for county court and High Court litigation.
Maintaining separate subscriptions to every series of law reports from 54 Commonwealth countries is both costly and inconvenient. Butterworthsâ„¢ Law Reports of the Commonwealth (LRC) provides a practical and cost-effective alternative. In a single source, LRC provides comprehensive coverage of legal developments throughout the Commonwealth, reporting the key cases whose significance transcends local boundaries.
This is a digest of the Annual Digests of Volumes 1 to 72 of the Reports of Patent Cases covering the years 1883 to 1955. In general, abstracts of cases are given in their original form and under their original headings.
Counsel: Incorporating Bar News covers issues facing the Bar and the legal system, in addition to profiles, conference reports, personal finance, arts reviews and chambers' announcements.
Author(s): District Judge Charles Prest KC, Sir Jonathan Montgomery, The Honourable Mr Justice Moor
ISBN: 9780406048431
Publication Date:
December 1983
Butterworths Family Law Service is the leading looseleaf work on family law. It provides authoritative guidance on all aspects of the law as it affects families and family breakdown and includes extensive coverage of child law.