UUÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ brings together the latest edition books on commercial law. The selection includes materials on contract,
consumer law and data protection for commercial lawyers and personal users to remain up to date
on current commercial law.
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Butterworths Commercial and Consumer Law Handbook is an essential addition to your legal library, and is part of UUÂãÁÄÖ±²¥' popular and successful Handbook series.
This Sixth edition of Goode on Commercial Law has been retitled Goode and McKendrick on Commercial Law and it remains the first port of call for the modern day practitioner with its theoretical and practical coverage of commercial law in both a national and an international context.
Author(s): Blanke Arbitration LLC, Kennedys, Al Busaidy Mansoor Jamal & Co, Barristers & Legal Consultants, Al Tamimi & Company, Youssry Saleh & Partners, Al Markaz Law Firm, K&L Gates LLP, BSA Ahmad Bin Hezeem & Associates LLP
ISBN: 9781474315791
Publication Date:
October 2019
Provide in-house lawyers and practitioners with explanation and help to reduce the risk when they are considering the agency route (in whatever form) in the GCC region.
Goode: Consumer Credit Law and Practice is a comprehensive and authoritative work which offers a complete information package comprising five looseleaf volumes, three volumes of Goode: Consumer Credit Reports and a CD.