Tolley's Form and Content of Financial Statements is a practical guide to the preparation and presentation of financial statements.
Tolley's Charities Manual provides detailed information and guidance on all aspects of the taxation, finance, accounting, legal and administrative concerns of those associated with running or advising charities.
Mithani: Directors' Disqualification gives readers the entire law and procedure relating to the disqualification of company directors and is the only work to provide a full explanation of the complex rules that have developed under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986.
Ross: Commercial Leases is the acknowledged market-leading text in the commercial property field.
McMullen: Business Transfers and Employee Rights is the leading work on TUPE from the leading commentator.
The work adopts a practical approach, clearly identifying the scale and complexity of problems posed by money laundering, suggesting best practice where appropriate and providing numerous useful examples.