Administration of Estates

Publisher: LNUK

Administration of Estates has been designed specifically to help all those involved with the day-to-day running of estates.

Published: 27 January, 2000

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In Stock ISBN: 9780754508045

Why should you buy Administration of Estates

In this one volume not only are all the important legal aspects discussed, but tax and accounts issues are also fully covered - and a variety of useful examples of completed forms and accounts help to provide practical assistance. Published in association with STEP (Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners), this looseleaf service has been designed specifically to help all those involved with the day-to-day running of estates - not only lawyers but also others appointed as executors, such as accountants and bankers. Legacy managers working for charities will find this title of great practical assistance.

Written by a team of distinguished authors, this practical and accessible guide provides full coverage of all aspects of estate administration and distribution. Special topics also covered include chapters on heritage property, insolvent estates, pensions, and post-death variations and disclaimers.

Two issues per year (invoiced separately).


A. Personal representatives; B. Pre-application matters; C. Obtaining probate and grants of administration; D. Administration; E. Distributions; F. Taxation during the administration; G. Special topics; H. Contentious probate; I. Claims under the Inheritance (Provision for Family & Dependants) Act 1975; J. Executor’s accounts; K. Professional practice; L. Precedents; M. Materials

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