Alcock, Birds and Gale on The Companies Act 2006

Explains what stage the implementation process has now reached.

Published: 31 January, 2009

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In Stock ISBN: 9781846611360

Why should you buy Alcock, Birds and Gale on The Companies Act 2006

Alcock, Birds and Gale on the Companies Act 2006 follows the structure of the CA 2006 and explains what stage the implementation process has now reached.

It covers all those SIs required to implement the Act with the exception of the 8th Commencement Order which does not come into force until 1 October 2009, and includes a table of when the various sections have come into force. The problems associated with this staggered implementation are also discussed.

This new work builds on the success of Companies Act 2006: The New Law (Jordans New Law Series) and includes a new chapter on the staggered commencement of the Act with information on the transitional provisions and provides practical guidance of new regulations governing:

  • company accounts and reporting and audited accounts
  • duties of appointment and removal of auditors and Part 42 governing supervision of auditors
  • important changes affecting directors duties including conflicts and the concept of general duties
  • amendments designed to modify and streamline the law on debentures.

Introduction to the Companies Act 2006

The Problems with Staggered Commencement

Types of Companies Subject to the Companies Act 2006

Registration, Re-registration, Striking Off and Restoration

Registrars, Registers, Returns and Charges

Company and Business Names

Constitutions, Capacity and Contracts

Records and Communications


Company Meetings and Resolutions

Polls of Quoted Companies

Directors, Management and the Company Secretary

Directors' Duties

Remedies for Members

Allotment of Shares

Certification and Transfer of Securities; Debentures

Shares, Share Capital and Distributions

Political Donations and Expenditure

Accounts and Reports

Filing of Accounts and Defective Accounts

Requirement for Audited Accounts

Functions and Duties of Auditors

Appointment, Removal and Resignation of Auditors

Statutory Auditors and Their Supervision

Implementing the Takeovers Directive

Implementing the Transparency Directive and Corporate Governance Matters

Investigations, Reconstructions, Offences and Other Matters



Companies Act 2006

Table of Origins and Destinations

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