Children and Same Sex Families: A Legal Handbook

Publisher: Family Law
This portable single volume handbook brings together the up-to-date statutory and jurisprudential position in family law appertaining to same sex couples, with an emphasis on children (where the law is at its most complex).

Published: 31 March, 2012

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In Stock ISBN: 9781846613197

Why should you buy Children and Same Sex Families: A Legal Handbook


This portable single volume handbook brings together the up-to-date statutory and jurisprudential position in family law appertaining to same sex couples, with an emphasis on children (where the law is at its most complex). The text clarifies the effect of the law of England and Wales as it relates to people with or wanting children who are in same sex relationships, in particular giving guidance as to complex issues such as:

  • gender and what constitutes a same sex relationship
  • same sex relationships for the international family
  • the effect on parentage of the timing, location and manner of a child's conception
  • issues of legality, illegality and status surrounding surrogacy and adoption
  • the family and financial consequences of the breakdown of same sex relationships and co parent relationships
  • the law relating to property ownership and succession for couples in a same sex relationship
  • the changes to the law in the HFEA 2008 which allow two people of the same sex to be the child's legal parents

Children and Same Sex Families: A Legal Handbook assists families, individuals and professionals in giving advice and making choices and arrangements to achieve the best outcome for that family. It is an invaluable guide to this rapidly evolving area of law written for all family lawyers and related professionals (eg charities; local authorities; healthcare trusts; adoption agencies; benefits agencies).


"clarifies the law as it relates to those either in, or wanting to be in, a same sex relationsip and who have, or want to have children.... this carefully footnoted book also provides extensive research resources, inculding tables of cases, statutes and statutory instruments, plus detailed index.... The up-to-date statutory and jurisprudential position in family law pertaining to same sex couples is carefully elucidated, which means the book is extremely useful not merely to legal practitioners but to professionals in local authorites, adoption and benefits agencies and healthcare trusts..." Phillip Taylor MBE and Elizabeth Taylor of Richmond Green Chambers

Children and Relationships

1. Parenthood (Marisa Allman)

What do we mean by parent?

Biological or genetic parenthood

Applications for declarations as to parentage

Legal parentage: mother father or parent?

Child of the family

Acquiring legal parenthood

Tracing legal parenthood

2. Parental Responsibility (Marisa Allman)

Defining parental responsibility

Who has parental responsibility

Acquiring parental responsibility by agreement or order

3. Surrogacy (Marisa Allman)

What is surrogacy

Commercial surrogacy

What are the routes to a commissioning parent becoming the child's carer following surrogacy?

Making the application for a parental order



International surrogacy

4. Private Law Applications


Historical background

The welfare principle

The welfare checklist

Parental responsibilit

Section 8 orders

Parties to private law proceedings

5. Same Sex Adoption

What is the function of the adoption panel?

The constitution of the panel

How does the adoption panel work in practice?

6. Gender Recognition (Elina Latvio)

Meaning of 'same sex relationship' and gender recognition

Gender recognition background

What is 'gender recognition'?



Social security benefits, pensions and tax issues

Proposals for change

7. Personal Protection (Marisa Allman)

The Family Law Act 1996 188

Regulation of the home 190

Non-molestation orders 197

Forced marriage 199

Protection from Harassment Act 1997

Financial Provision and Children

8. Civil Partnership (Marisa Allman)

Formation and recognition of civil partnerships

Registering as civil partners: procedure in England and Wales

Recognition of overseas relationships

Recognition overseas of English civil partnership

Declarations as to civil partnership status

Civil partnership: valid, void, voidable?

Breakdown of a civil partnership

9. Financial Provision on Breakdown of Civil Partnership (Sarah Greenan)


Financial provision on dissolution for civil partners Schedule 5

The general approach to applications for provision for civil partners


Consent orders

Financial relief in the magistrates courts

Alternatives to court

Financial relief after overseas dissolution

10. Financial Provision on Breakdown of Cohabiting Relationships (Sarah Greenan)


The family home: occupation

The family home: ownership

The family home: the legal framework

The family home: rented property

Other property

Provision for children on relationship breakdown

11. Succession (Sarah Greenan)


Property which does not pass by will

Inheritance under a will

Gifts by will to children

Intestate succession

Succession to tenancies

Inheritance and family provision

12. Welfare Benefits (Elina Latvio)



Relevant legislation

The Llving together test

Gender recognition and implications for welfare benefits

Other benefits issues relating to same sex couples



Flowcharts Tracing Legal and Genetic Parentage


Material Relating to Gender Recognition

Statutory Materials

Useful Contacts

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