Coroners' Investigations and Inquests Second edition

Coroners' Investigations and Inquests, now in its second edition, is an accessible and authoritative guide to all aspects of the law of inquests and coroners.

Published: 24 April, 2025

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Why should you buy Coroners' Investigations and Inquests Second edition

Coroners' Investigations and Inquests, now in its second edition, is an accessible and authoritative guide to all aspects of the law of inquests and coroners. This text presents a comprehensive overview of the various stages of a coroner's investigation and the inquest procedure itself, offering in-depth analysis of the latest developments in the field, alongside practical advice on conducting inquest hearings.

The new edition has been substantially updated throughout, including:

  • New chapter on maternity and neonatal deaths;

  • New chapter on social care;

  • New chapter on deaths involving the police;

  • Expansion health and safety-related deaths;

  • More detailed analysis around mental health deaths

  • Examples of the various forms and precedents used in inquests.

Coroners' Investigations and Inquests is an essential legal guide for all professionals working, or hoping to work, in the field of coronial law.

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