Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedentscovers everything that both the specialist and generalist practitioner in non-contentious fields of law is likely to encounter, offering access to an unmatched collection of precedents covering all aspects of non-contentious work.
Published: 12 November, 1996
For breadth and authority of content, the Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents is unrivalled. It covers everything that both the specialist and generalist practitioner in non-contentious fields of law is likely to encounter, offering access to an unmatched collection of precedents covering all aspects of non-contentious work.
The DVD version includes every title in the 100+ volume work, which will give users instant access to over 18,000 forms and precedents covering areas such as commercial law, property, family law, trusts and wills. In addition, it includes concise commentaries on the law, practical checklists, guidance on tax, stamp duty and land registration implications and ancillary documentation.
The improved access to precedents in electronic form is of particular benefit to practitioners. The user has the choice of searching in a particular precedent book, or searching across all sources of precedents to find the one most suited to the client's requirements. It is also quick and easy to use, making research time more cost-effective.
Documents can also be copied into a word processing package and customised accordingly. Together with a regular selective updating service by replacement DVDs six times a year, all this makes the Encylopaedia of Forms and Precedents on DVD the most impressive electronic product in its field.
The Encyclopaedia is also available online. For more information see Encylopaedia of Forms and Precedents under UUÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ Online Services. For details of online services, please contact us on 0845 370 1234.