Goode: Consumer Credit Law and Practice

Goode: Consumer Credit Law and Practice is a comprehensive and authoritative work which offers a complete information package comprising five looseleaf volumes, three volumes of Goode: Consumer Credit Reports and a CD.

Published: 01 December, 1999

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In Stock ISBN: 9780406921130

Why should you buy Goode: Consumer Credit Law and Practice

Goode: Consumer Credit Law and Practice is a comprehensive and authoritative work which offers a complete information package comprising five looseleaf volumes and three volumes of Goode: Consumer Credit Reports.

Goode: Consumer Credit Reports cover key decisions in consumer credit and related areas and are presented in a user-friendly format. There are approximately three updates provided per year with case reporting to ensure the subscriber is kept completely up to date with all the latest developments in this area. The work adopts a practical focus to help busy practitioners quickly find the information they need from one reliable source.

Eight looseleaf volumes. Subscribers receive their first year's updating issues as part of the purchase price (three service issues approximately per year). Subscribers are then charged annually for subsequent updating.

Division I: Narrative Text

Division II: The Consumer Credit Act 1974

Division III: Regulations under the 1974 Act

Division IV: Financial Services Regulation

Division V: Other Statutes

Division VI: Other Statutory Instruments

Division VII: Rates and Rebates

Division VIII: Codes of Practice and Guidance Notes

Division IX: VAT Materials

Division X: EU Materials

Division XI: Non-Contentious Forms

Division XII: Contentious Forms

Division XIII: Official Forms

Division XIV: Directory

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