Growing a Law Practice During COVID-19

This book was designed to help lawyers navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic - and come out stronger than before.

Published: 31 August, 2021

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In Stock ISBN: 9780433515661

Why should you buy Growing a Law Practice During COVID-19?

"There has never been a more critical time for lawyers to start acting and functioning like businesspeople." This new publication will show you how to do precisely that.

As author and strategic business coach, Gary Mitchell, states in the Preface to his new publication, "No matter where you are in your career, COVID-19 has had and will continue to have a deep impact on everyone and everything, including the legal profession." Mitchell's book, Growing a Law Practice During COVID-19, will help you overcome the challenges and capitalize on the opportunities that the COVID-19 pandemic presents.

This book was designed to help lawyers navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic - and come out stronger than before. In developing the content, the author has modified proven business tips and strategies to take into account the restrictions, lockdowns and other impediments that the legal world is coping with because of COVID-19.

In addition to those tried-and-true tactics, Growing a Law Practice During COVID-19 offers insight into the importance of self-care during these stressful times, as well as invaluable advice on staying healthy in both mind and body, including guidance on how to cope with negativity while focusing on growing a successful and sustainable law practice.

The author's main points are illustrated - and strengthened - by the inclusion of client success stories. These first-hand testimonials further reinforce the effectiveness of Mitchell's approach.

Because of the widespread impact of COVID-19, this volume has universal application and is relevant at the provincial, national and international levels. Lawyers who are interested in getting help growing or adjusting their practice will find it particularly useful, as well as law students who will be starting their own practice in a post-pandemic world. Growing a Law Practice During COVID-19 would also be an important acquisition for law schools and law libraries.

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