UUÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ Standard Terms for the Sale of Goods

UUÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ Standard Terms for the Sale of Goods


1. These terms and conditions are incorporated into all contracts for the supply of goods and services ("Goods") by RELX (UK) Limited company number 02746621 trading as UUÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ (the "Supplier") other than contracts specified in paragraph 2. They supersede any previously issued Terms and Conditions of Supply.

2. Where there is a separate written agreement, which has been signed by an authorized representative of the Supplier, the terms of that agreement will prevail over these terms and conditions.

3. Goods supplied may differ in non-material respects from those advertised in the Supplier's catalog or other promotional material.

4. These terms and conditions, and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with them, shall be governed by and construed in accordance English law.  The courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claims which may arise under or in connection with this terms (including non-contractual disputes or claims).


5. Subject to paragraphs 6 and 7 below the price payable for Goods shall be the total price specified in the Suppliers current price list or catalog, less any discounts agreed in advance in writing by the Supplier and plus the applicable cost of packaging, postage and delivery ("Delivery Charges"). Prices and Delivery Charges are subject to change without notice.

6. Discounts agreed by the Supplier as at the date of these terms and conditions shall continue to have effect for the remainder of the term of the relevant agreement.

7. The price payable for updating material for printed encyclopedic and loose-leaf publications, where these are not covered by the terms of PIA Subscription (as defined in paragraph 14 below), shall be the price advised by the Supplier at the time of publication. In the event of circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the supplier (which cannot be cured by measures which can be taken in the reasonable course of business) including legislative or regulatory interference that renders the materials obsolete the supplier shall not be required to replace those materials under this Print Subscription Agreement and shall be entitled to charge for any replacement work needed in accordance with its then current price list.

8. All prices are subject to VAT at the applicable rate.

Payment Terms

9. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Supplier all invoices are payable within thirty (30) days of invoice, in the currency of the invoice, drawn on a bank based in the UK or by such other method as is agreed in advance by the Supplier.

10. Failure to pay all amounts due by the due date may result in: a) withholding of further supplies including supplies in respect of which the customer has already made payment in full; and/or b) charging of interest on amounts outstanding at the rate of 4% above the Royal Bank of Scotland base rate from time to time.

Credit Terms

11. The Supplier may set and vary credit limits from time to time and withhold all further supplies if the customer exceeds such credit limit.

Online and CD products

12. Online and CD products are supplied additionally subject to the license terms and conditions contained in the product. You are required to accept these license terms and conditions before first using the product. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, or to any changes to them made during the period of the subscription, you may cancel that subscription immediately. Use of the product is implied acceptance of the terms and conditions.

13. Delivery of online products is made using the World Wide Web. All warranties, express or implied, regarding the availability of any online product at any particular time or times are excluded.


14. Pay In Advance ("PIA") Subscriptions. a) PIA Subscriptions commence on the date specified on the Supplier's Invoice ("Commencement Date") and continue until terminated by either party by no less than 30 days written notice to expire on an anniversary of the Commencement Date or by the Customer in writing within 14 days of the Supplier's invoice under paragraph 14(c) below. b) The price for the first year of any PIA subscription is the Supplier's list price at the date of the order. The price for subsequent years is the Supplier's list price at the anniversary of the Commencement Date. c) The Supplier will inform the customer by invoice before each anniversary of the Commencement Date of the price payable for the next 12 months and, where the PIA Subscription relates to a CD or online product, of any change to the terms and conditions applicable to that product.

15. Pay As You Go ("PAYG") Subscriptions. a) Updates to printed encyclopedic and loose-leaf services which are not subject to a PIA Subscription will be invoiced upon publication. b) Customers may terminate PAYG Subscriptions by 30 days written notice to expire at any time.

16. Pay As You Go ("PAYG") Standing Order. a) Customers who opt to purchase specific products via standing order will continue to receive these products future editions, until countermanded, and will be invoiced for these when received. b) Customers purchasing products at the special standing order price, accept that they wish to receive this publication each time it is published until countermanded, and will be charged at the standing order price. c) For products that are updated by supplements between editions, when purchasing the main work customers will be automatically sent the updating supplement on publication. d) Customers may terminate PAYG Standing Orders by 30 days written notice to expire at any time.

17. Supplements. For products that are updated by supplements between editions, when purchasing the main work customers will be automatically sent the updating supplement on publication and will be invoiced for these when received.


18. Orders for printed and CD products are accepted by the Supplier subject to availability of stock and may be delivered in two or more installments. The Supplier has no liability for any loss of trade or profit to the customer as a result of delay in delivery or delivery of incorrect or faulty goods.

19. Delivery will be made to the address specified on the order by the customer or its agent, or to a carrier designated by the customer, or to other such addresses as are notified to the Supplier from time to time.

20. Risk in goods passes to the customer on delivery under paragraph 17 above. Title to goods other than updates supplied under PIA Subscriptions will pass to the customer on payment in full. Title in updates supplied under PIA Subscriptions will pass on delivery.

21. Time is not of the essence for delivery of Goods and the Supplier's liability for incorrect delivery or failure to deliver is limited to the replacement of Goods.

Loss or Damage in Transit

22. Claims for damage or partial delivery or complete loss of consignment must be notified within thirty (30) days of the date of invoice.


23. Returns of printed Goods other than Goods supplied under PIA or PAYG Subscriptions will be accepted for credit provided they are received at the Supplier's warehouse within fourteen (14) days of the date of invoice, and are accompanied by a copy of the returns note/invoice, have a valid authorization code obtained from the Supplier's Customer Services department before goods are returned and are in a condition fit for re-sale. Refunds will be given only where the goods returned are in a condition fit for resale and there are no other amounts outstanding and due on the customer's credit account with the Supplier.

Suppliers Liability

24. The Suppliers liability to the customer for negligence, breach of contract and statutory duty is limited to the cost of replacing the goods ordered. It is not intended that any contract between the Supplier and the customer for the supply of goods should be enforceable by any third party.

25. Any waiver by the Supplier of any of these terms and conditions shall be limited to the particular instance and shall not operate or be deemed to operate as a future waiver of that or any other term.

Data Protection

26. Personal data supplied by customers will be used by the Supplier in accordance with the Supplier's Privacy Policy from time to time, which is or on request from the Supplier. Personal data may also be passed to debt collection businesses for the purpose of enabling the Supplier to collect debts owed by the customer.


27. Notices sent by the customer must be sent by prepaid post to the Supplier's Customer Services Department at the address on the most recently delivered invoice. Such notices must state the customer's name and (where applicable) account number. Notices sent by the Supplier will be sent to the customer's last known address.