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Norway - VAT registration guide

VAT registration guides

Updated by Rolf Arentz-Hansen, PKF Revisjon AS

VAT registration threshold – local establishmentNOK 50,000 during the last 12 months
Alternatively, if the enterprise has made large investments intended for use in the enterprise (goods and services subject to VAT of at least NOK 250,000) in connection with the start-up, it may pre-register and thus get a deduction for paid VAT on purchases.
VAT registration threshold – no local establishmentSame as for local establishments
Voluntary VAT registrationVoluntary VAT registration is possible in Norway for leasing and letting of constructions and buildings. Businesses and public enterprises that let buildings may voluntarily register in the Norwegian VAT Register if the building or plant is used:
• in the VAT-liable business in an enterprise that is registered for VAT in Norway;

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Web page updated on 24 Aug 2024 15:36