3.1 Tax exempt remuneration


3.1 Tax exempt remuneration | Jamaica


3.1ÌýÌýÌýÌý Tax exempt remuneration

Certain elements of remuneration are specially exempted from tax. They are not included in the employee's emoluments.

Uniforms provided by the employerUp to JMD 5,739 is tax exempt for employees listed in Appendix B, Regulation 12.
If the uniforms cost provided by the employer more than the exempt amount, then the excess is subject to tax. The employer must deduct tax as part of withholding.
If the employee is not listed in Appendix B, Regulation 12, then the employer must deduct tax on the full cost of the uniform provided.
Laundry allowanceUp to JMD 3,395 is tax exempt for employees listed in Appendix B, Regulation

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