APR and farmworkers’ cottages

Produced by a Tolley Trusts and Inheritance Tax expert
Trusts and Inheritance Tax

APR and farmworkers’ cottages

Produced by a Tolley Trusts and Inheritance Tax expert
Trusts and Inheritance Tax

Qualifying cottages

Farmworkers’ cottages qualify for APR if:

  1. •

    they are occupied together with agricultural land

  2. •

    for the purposes of agriculture

  3. •

    and are of a ‘character appropriate’ to the agricultural property

IHTA 1984, ss 115(2), 117

The tests are clearly satisfied if the cottages are occupied by employees working on the farm. It is generally accepted that the cottages must be situated on the land to which they are ancillary. The size and number of cottages must be appropriate to the farming enterprise. Relief should be available where a farmworker’s cottage is occupied by a business partner instead of an employee, provided it is suitably modest. HMRC will challenge a claim which is effectively a claim for a second farmhouse.

In contrast to farmhouses, where relief may be restricted to the ‘agricultural’ value, relief is

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