Interaction of APR and BPR

Produced by a Tolley Trusts and Inheritance Tax expert
Trusts and Inheritance Tax

Interaction of APR and BPR

Produced by a Tolley Trusts and Inheritance Tax expert
Trusts and Inheritance Tax

This guidance note considers the interaction of APR and BPR. Sometimes APR and BPR may be available on the same assets and sometimes only one relief may be available. This note considers which relief will apply and which assets may not qualify. A farming business or landed estate may qualify for relief in its entirety by using BPR to ‘mop up’ the excess value, even where it holds assets that do not qualify for APR in their own right. Shares in farming companies may qualify for BPR rather than APR or neither relief if the land is let. Consideration is also given to the replacement of assets for BPR purposes where assets qualifying for APR are replaced with assets qualifying for BPR or vice versa.

The application of both APR and BPR to the same enterprise

Agricultural Property Relief (APR) is available on the agricultural value of land and property; that is on individual assets. In contrast, Business Property

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