Corporate capital gains ― overview

Produced by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert
Corporation Tax

Corporate capital gains ― overview

Produced by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert
Corporation Tax

This guidance note sets out an overview of the tax treatment of chargeable gains made by a company. For an overview of capital gains tax generally, see the Introduction to capital gains tax guidance note.

Chargeable gains are included as part of the taxable total profits (TTP) of a company, see the Taxable Total Profits (TTP) guidance note for further details.

Further details of the calculation of corporate capital gains are set out in the Calculation of corporate capital gains guidance note.

The Tolley Corporate capital gains ― toolkit pulls together various functional content resources that are relevant when advising on corporate capital gains.

Scope of charge

A company is liable to corporation tax in respect of its chargeable gains. The total chargeable gains arising in an accounting period, after deducting allowable capital losses arising in the period or carried forward from previous periods, are included as part of the company’s taxable total profits and taxed at the rate of corporation

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