Corporation tax return ― compliance toolkit

Produced by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert
Corporation Tax

Corporation tax return ― compliance toolkit

Produced by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert
Corporation Tax

Approach when preparing a corporation tax return

Tax law has become increasingly complex in recent years and there is often a myriad of issues to keep in mind when preparing the corporation tax return. Coupled with this, the tax compliance process is typically highly pressured because of the somewhat competing priorities of having to finalise the tax return quickly but at the same time accurately and to a high standard. This toolkit is aimed at supporting tax advisers that prepare or review corporation tax returns in delivering high-quality and accurate returns by providing guidance on the most common areas in a set of financial statements that give rise to tax adjustments.

The toolkit focuses on the issues typically encountered by a UK trading company, but many of the issues will also be relevant to non-trading companies such as property investment companies or holding companies. The accounting areas discussed below follow the typical order of a standard set of financial statements. The list is not exhaustive, but covers the more frequently encountered tax issues in reviewing

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