Income tax losses ― overview

Produced by a Tolley Personal Tax expert
Personal Tax

Income tax losses ― overview

Produced by a Tolley Personal Tax expert
Personal Tax

What is an income tax loss?

An income tax loss is a loss that can be set against income for income tax purposes. Not all losses can be set against income: some are capital losses that must be sent against capital gains and some are not allowable losses for tax purposes. Income tax losses are discussed below. Capital losses are discussed in the Use of capital losses guidance note.

Income tax losses can arise due to a number of reasons, but not all losses can be relieved against total income and some losses can only be set against certain types of component income. The table below is a summary of the main reliefs for income tax losses.

Summary of guidance notes ― relief for income tax losses

Type of lossSummary of the potential set off of income losses (other than trading losses)Guidance noteLegislative reference
Current year trading lossesFor established businesses, current year trading losses may be set against income or gains in current or preceding years, and against income in future

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