Investors’ relief

Produced by a Tolley Owner-Managed Businesses expert
Owner-Managed Businesses

Investors’ relief

Produced by a Tolley Owner-Managed Businesses expert
Owner-Managed Businesses

Investors’ relief is a capital gains tax (CGT) relief on the disposal of qualifying shares in an unlisted company. A taxpayer making a disposal that qualifies for investors’ relief will pay tax at a rate of 10%.

Although it is a separate relief, the rules for investors’ relief were intended as an extension to business asset disposal relief (previously known as entrepreneurs’ relief) and therefore complement and mirror those rules, to a degree. See the Conditions for business asset disposal relief guidance note.


Investors’ relief is aimed at incentivising external investment. It is not intended to be accessible by individuals whose natural means of capital gains relief on a disposal would be business asset disposal relief. Accordingly, most employees and directors will not be entitled to investors’ relief.

Also, unlike business asset disposal relief, there is no requirement to hold a minimum number of shares in the company. There is a lifetime limit on the relief of £10m, which is in addition to that applying

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