Land and buildings ― buying and selling ― relevant residential purpose buildings

Produced by a Tolley Value Added Tax expert
Value Added Tax

Land and buildings ― buying and selling ― relevant residential purpose buildings

Produced by a Tolley Value Added Tax expert
Value Added Tax

This guidance note provides information on the VAT treatment of buying and selling relevant residential purpose (RRP) buildings. Although the content of this guidance note mainly focuses on the VAT treatment of selling, most of the content is relevant to both the buyer and the seller.

For guidance regarding the VAT treatment of buying and selling:

  1. •

    agricultural and forestry property, see the Land and buildings ― buying and selling ― agricultural and forestry property guidance note

  2. •

    commercial buildings and civil engineering works, see the Land and buildings ― buying and selling ― commercial buildings and civil engineering works guidance note

  3. •

    dwellings, see the Land and buildings ― buying and selling ― dwellings guidance note

  4. •

    relevant charitable purpose buildings, see the Land and buildings ― buying and selling ― relevant charitable purpose

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