Land and buildings ― income ― camping, caravans and houseboats

Produced by a Tolley Value Added Tax expert
Value Added Tax

Land and buildings ― income ― camping, caravans and houseboats

Produced by a Tolley Value Added Tax expert
Value Added Tax

This guidance note provides information about the VAT treatment of generating income relating to camping, caravans and houseboats, including the VAT treatment of selling caravans and houseboats and removable contents.

Income generated from land and buildings located outside the UK is outside the scope of UK VAT, but may be subject to VAT or a similar tax where the property is located. The UK includes Great Britain, Northern Ireland, and the territorial sea of the UK.

For detailed commentary, see De Voil Indirect Tax Service V4.110H and V4.110O.


The standard rate of VAT applies to the provision of pitches for tents or of camping facilities.


Seasonal pitches for caravans and related facilities

The standard rate of VAT applies to the provision of seasonal pitches for caravans, and the grant of facilities at caravan parks to persons for whom such pitches are provided. The following are seasonal pitches for caravans:

  1. •

    pitches on holiday sites other than employee pitches

  2. •

    non-residential pitches on any other site


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