Lease or buy

Produced by a Tolley Owner-Managed Businesses expert
Owner-Managed Businesses

Lease or buy

Produced by a Tolley Owner-Managed Businesses expert
Owner-Managed Businesses


The first question a new business should ask before acquiring premises, is whether a building is needed at all. Can the business be operated from home, or via the internet? Even businesses selling goods directly to customers may now be able to operate entirely online, with stocks held by a third party and deliveries organised remotely. The implications of working from home are discussed in the Trading from home guidance note.

If premises are needed, costs will increase. Acquiring premises also reduces flexibility, as substantial fixed costs are payable whether or not the business is profitable.

Assuming that the implications of these wider business issues have been assessed, and a decision has been made to acquire premises, the choice is broadly between purchasing and leasing.

The choice between purchasing and leasing

Whether to purchase or rent premises is a major business decision. For instance, purchasing premises brings security of occupation and the opportunity for capital appreciation,

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