Online marketplaces ― sales of goods in the UK at the point of sale

Produced by a Tolley Value Added Tax expert
Value Added Tax

Online marketplaces ― sales of goods in the UK at the point of sale

Produced by a Tolley Value Added Tax expert
Value Added Tax

This guidance note looks at the VAT obligations arising when goods in the UK at the point of sale are sold via an online marketplace (OMP). For an overview of the provisions relating to the sale of goods sold via an OMP, including the definition of an OMP, see the Online marketplaces ― overview guidance note. For sales of goods facilitated via an OMP when the goods are outside the UK at the point of sale, see the Online marketplaces ― sales of goods outside the UK at the point of sale guidance note.

In-depth commentary on the legislation can be found in De Voil Indirect Tax Service V3.268.


OMPs become a ‘deemed supplier’ and VAT collector when they facilitate certain transactions for third-party sellers. When goods are in the UK at the point of sale, the deemed supply rules only apply when the supplier of the goods is an ‘overseas’ business. These rules apply irrepsective of whether the goods have previously been

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