Nil paid and partly paid shares

Produced by Tolley in association with
Employment Tax

Nil paid and partly paid shares

Produced by Tolley in association with
Employment Tax

This note considers the taxation of partly paid shares and the tax treatment of shares acquired on deferred terms. Although they have a very similar tax treatment they have different legal effects and commercial implications. In essence both types of arrangement involve acquiring shares and paying for them at a later date.

Nil paid or partly paid shares ― these are shares that are issued as new shares by the company to the employee on terms that state the shares must be paid up at a later date. The shares must be paid up if the company makes a call for the outstanding subscription price.

Shares acquired on deferred payment terms ― these are existing shares that are transferred to the employee by a third party but where the purchase price is left outstanding as a debt owing to the vendor. However, the shares have already been paid up and so are not subject to a

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Helen Wood
Helen Wood

, Employment Tax

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