Principal private residence relief ― dwelling-house and permitted area

Produced by a Tolley Personal Tax expert
Personal Tax

Principal private residence relief ― dwelling-house and permitted area

Produced by a Tolley Personal Tax expert
Personal Tax

Principal private residence (PPR) relief is available to reduce the chargeable gains on the disposal of (or disposal of an interest in):

  1. •

    a ‘dwelling-house’ or part of a dwelling-house which is or has at any time in the period of ownership been the taxpayer’s only or main residence, or

  2. •

    land they have for their own occupation and enjoyment with that residence as its garden or grounds up to the ‘permitted area’

TCGA 1992, s 222(1)

It is possible for a taxpayer to have more than one residence. In these circumstances, the taxpayer has two years from the acquisition of the second residence to nominate which is to be the main residence for PPR relief. The nomination can be varied at a later date. If no nomination is made the main residence is determined based on the facts, although there are ways of reopening the nomination period. For

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