Taxation magazine queries ― farmers

Produced by a Tolley Owner-Managed Businesses expert
Owner-Managed Businesses

Taxation magazine queries ― farmers

Produced by a Tolley Owner-Managed Businesses expert
Owner-Managed Businesses

The following guidance note provides details of queries raised on farmers and farming income in the last few years in the Readers’ Forum section in Taxation magazine with a link to the full replies. It should be noted that the response to the queries is at a point in time and all relevant legislation should be confirmed as being currently applicable.

BADR availability on verbal grazing agreements

Since the late 1970s my client has farmed land (rearing and selling sheep). They registered for VAT and maintained a business bank account. The farming was initially lucrative but, with time, they would only manage a profit every five years or so. The profits and losses have always been reported to HMRC.

In 2018, my client was diagnosed with a serious illness and they sold all the farming equipment and their trading stock. Since 2018 they have let the land for the grazing of horses. The client remains responsible for the upkeep of the land, maintenance of the fencing and day to day husbandry.

The profit from grazing

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