Author(s): James Cook, Helen Wood, Ashley Murray, David Salter
ISBN: 9781784734602
Publication Date:
July 2020
Book + CD
Cohabitation: Law, Practice and Precedents is the only work on the subject to provide commentary, checklists, procedural guides and precedents in a single volume making it an invaluable aid to all practitioners advising unmarried couples.
Author(s): Lisa Parkinson, Neil Robinson, Philippa Johnson
ISBN: 9781784734596
Publication Date:
April 2020
In explaining non-court dispute resolution processes and in managing the mediation process carefully, mediators need awareness, empathy and a high level of knowledge and skills.
This Sixth edition of Goode on Commercial Law has been retitled Goode and McKendrick on Commercial Law and it remains the first port of call for the modern day practitioner with its theoretical and practical coverage of commercial law in both a national and an international context.
Butterworths Commercial and Consumer Law Handbook is an essential addition to your legal library, and is part of UUÂãÁÄÖ±²¥' popular and successful Handbook series.
Family Law Leaves the EU - A Summary Guide for Practitioners provides all family law practitioners with an accessible guide to the law and practice which will apply on the UK's final departure from the EU on 31 December 2020.