Simon's Tax Cases 2009 Bound Volume Part 1

Publisher: LNUK

Simon's Tax Cases 2009 contains full text law reports of tax cases decided in the High Court, the Court of Appeal, the Court of Session in Scotland, the Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland, the House of Lords, the Privy Council, the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights.

Published: 30 September, 2009

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Out of Stock ISBN: 9781405746847
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The bound volume of this essential service contains full text law reports of tax cases decided in the High Court, the Court of Appeal, the Court of Session in Scotland, the Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland, the House of Lords, the Privy Council, the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights. Reports of selected cases in other areas which are of interest to tax practitioners are also included.

The reports are set out in the same format as those in the All ER, with headnotes giving a clear summary of the case. Moreover, all cases are fully cross-referenced to Simon's, De Voil, Foster's and other major encyclopaedic works.

The 2009 bound volume will be published in two parts sold separately; Part 1 in September 2009 and Part 2 in March 2010. (Please see separate entry for Part 2).

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