VAT in the EU Third edition (Print and eBook)

Publisher: Tolley
This new edition is newly updated for 2021, dealing with post Brexit implications for international trade.

Published: 24 June, 2021

Product Format Details
Book + eBook
Out of Stock ISBN: Z00005090873X
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Why should you buy VAT in the EU Third edition (Print and eBook)

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VAT in the EU offers a country by country guide on all 27 EU member states, and the UK. Each country has its own system with rules and regulations varying widely between different countries and jurisdictions.

Businesses, especially those operating internationally, need practical strategies to help confront the growing challenges of complying with and managing indirect taxes. Each chapter addresses the main considerations for the international tax professional impacting VAT in a given country. This comprehensive title enables practitioners to help their clients drive indirect tax costs out of their supply chain, as well as give better advice on more tax-efficient structures impacting offshoring and outsourcing.

What's New

  • The VAT implications of Brexit
  • EU VAT Quick Fixes introduced with effect from 1 January 2020
  • Overview of the 1 July 2021 e-commerce VAT package

Also available in the following formats:
- Print
- eBook

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