IPDI (Immediate post-death interest) definition

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What does IPDI (Immediate post-death interest) mean?

The term ‘immediate post death interest’ (IPDI) refers to a type of beneficial interest in a trust, for which the Inheritance Tax treatment is aligned to that of an individual instead of the separate regime for trusts.
First, an IPDI is an ‘interest in possession’ which means that the beneficiary has a right to the income arising from the trust assets or a right to occupy or enjoy the trust assets. There is no right to absolute ownership. Secondly, the IPDI is an interest which arises on the death of the individual who provides the trust assets. Typically, the trust is written into a Will and it takes effect when the testator dies. Provided the terms of the trust include these two essential features of ‘an interest in possession’ and ‘taking effect immediately on death’, the interest qualifies as an IPDI and is included in the category of ‘qualifying interests in possession’ (QIIP) for inheritance tax purposes. 
The Inheritance Tax treatment of QIIPs (and therefore IPDIs) is to treat the trust assets as

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