Owner-Managed Businesses

Find the Owner-Managed Businesses answers you need in the UK’s definitive source of practical tax guidance

The Tolley®Guidance Owner-Managed Businesses Module - expert practical tax guidance, examples and template documents that demonstrate how to apply legislation in real-world client situations.

The Tolley®Guidance Owner-Managed Businesses module tackles the complex interplay of an individual’s tax affairs with that of their business. The module focuses on the tax implications at every stage of a business life-cycle, from incorporation to exit.

Owner-Managed Businesses
The Owner-Managed Businesses module complements the Personal Tax and Corporate Tax modules and provides practical guidance and tips on compliance related issues including tax return completion and planning issues around managing taxable profits.
Owner-Managed Businesses
The advisory section concentrates on the typical transactions that advisers come across, including extracting value from the business and incentivising key staff.
Owner-Managed Businesses
The Owner-Managed Businesses module will guide you through dealing with HMRC investigations and how to handle the associated array of campaigns, task forces and initiatives.
Owner-Managed Businesses
Each topic has detailed guidance and extensive links to the statute, case law, HMRC manuals and other source materials. Save time with worked examples, templates, pro-formas and stay up-to-date with the latest developments through the tailored news and analysis feed.

Our Owner Managed Businesses Experts





















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