Property income for individuals definition

ˈprɒpəti ˈɪnkʌm fɔːr ˌɪndɪˈvɪdjʊəlz
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What does Property income for individuals mean?

Property income for individuals in a nutshell
UK individuals are taxable on rental profits from property wherever in the world the property is situated. Non-residents are taxable on UK property only. The property may be unfurnished or furnished, commercial or residential, and profits and losses from all UK properties owned by the individual other than as a member of a partnership are pooled together in one UK property business. Likewise profits and losses from all overseas properties are pooled together in one overseas property business. In addition to rental income an amount of income from lease premiums with a duration of 50 years or less must be included in profits. There are special rules for furnished holiday lettings, and there is a rent-a-room relief for furnished rooms let in an individual’s main residence. 

How are the rental profits and losses calculated?
Unincorporated property businesses must calculate their profits and losses on a simplified cash basis unless certain conditions are met, the key one for individuals being if gross

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