Automatic re-enrolment

Produced by Tolley in association with
Employment Tax

Automatic re-enrolment

Produced by Tolley in association with
Employment Tax

This guidance note applies only to pension schemes in England and Wales.


The automatic enrolment regime imposes a duty on employers to make arrangements for the automatic enrolment of all of their eligible jobholders into a ‘qualifying scheme’ (also called a workplace pension). Employers are also required to contribute to that scheme on behalf of eligible jobholders.

Although the regime requires the employer to automatically enrol eligible jobholders into a qualifying scheme, the jobholders have the right to opt out or even if they did not initially opt out they may, at some point after enrolment, cease active membership of the scheme. For any such jobholders, the employer has a duty of automatic re-enrolment.

This re-enrolment duty is subject to the same sanctions for non-compliance as the original obligation to automatically enrol workers into a qualifying scheme with effect from the employer’s staging date (see the ‘Sanctions for non-compliance’ section of the Automatic enrolment ― overview guidance note).

See Simons Taxes E7.210B.


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  • 22 Sep 2023 11:20

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