Business reorganisation

Produced by a Tolley Value Added Tax expert
Value Added Tax

Business reorganisation

Produced by a Tolley Value Added Tax expert
Value Added Tax

This guidance note can be used by a person involved in undertaking or assisting with a business reorganisation. It contains details of the points that should be considered and links to the relevant guidance notes that provide further information. The VAT implications associated with a business reorganisation will depend on the precise nature of the reorganisation and its commercial aims. To the extent the reorganisation has come about as a result of insolvency see the Insolvency ― overview guidance note for more detail, as insolvency can result in additional VAT implications to consider.

Expanding a corporate group ― creation of a new entity

In many cases, a business reorganisation will result in the creation of a new entity. Businesses should obtain clarity as early as possible as to what the function of the new entity will be and the supplies it intends to make. This should ensure that the VAT implications associated with the creation of a new entity can be dealt with in a timely manner. It is best practice to prepare a workplan detailing

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