Clubs and associations ― VAT treatment of supplies and registration

Produced by a Tolley Value Added Tax expert
Value Added Tax

Clubs and associations ― VAT treatment of supplies and registration

Produced by a Tolley Value Added Tax expert
Value Added Tax

This guidance note provides a list of the common types of supplies that can be made by clubs and associations and the associated VAT treatment. Please note that this table is based on the list provided in Notice 701/5.

This note also provides details of the VAT registration requirements.

This note should be read in conjunction with the Clubs and associations guidance note.

ActivityVAT treatmentFurther information
Admission chargesThese are usually liable to VAT but certain cultural organisations and charities can exempt these from VATLiability - cultural events and spaces
Bar sales and other catering activitiesThese supplies are normally liable to VAT if they are supplied in the course of catering or they are beverages. Certain cold takeaway food can be zero-rated. Also if the catering provided is ancillary to another supply it may not be liable to VATLiability - food and catering
BingoExempt from VAT. Admission charges are standard-rated with an exception for certain one-off fund-raising events (see

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