Disclaiming a gift

Produced by a Tolley Trusts and Inheritance Tax expert
Trusts and Inheritance Tax

Disclaiming a gift

Produced by a Tolley Trusts and Inheritance Tax expert
Trusts and Inheritance Tax

The general law and disclaimers

If a beneficiary of a gift under a Will or intestacy refuses it before acceptance, this amounts to a disclaimer. The property then devolves to the person(s) next entitled according to the terms of the Will or intestacy and so, unlike a variation, it is not possible for the person disclaiming to redirect the property or control its ultimate destination.

An effective disclaimer operates as an avoidance of a gift rather than as a disposition which re-directs the subject matter to someone else. Before disclaiming, it is important to find out what the effect will be. As a general rule, if a specific gift or legacy in a Will is disclaimed, it will fall into residue and the beneficiaries of the residuary estate will take the disclaimed gift in the appropriate shares.

If a gift of residue is disclaimed and the Will includes a substitutional gift in the event of failure of the gift for any reason,

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