Entity classification

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Corporation Tax

Entity classification

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Corporation Tax

Implications of entity classification

If a subsidiary is established, it is important to determine how it will be treated for UK tax purposes as this will determine the basis on which it is taxed. A subsidiary may either be transparent (like a partnership, where the individual partners are taxed rather than the partnership as an entity itself) or opaque (like a company, which is taxed in its own right).

If a subsidiary is transparent, then any UK members (who may be shareholders, beneficiaries, partners or something else) will be taxed on profits as they arise, regardless of whether or not they are distributed. It is also the members who must normally claim benefits under a double tax treaty, as the subsidiary itself is not usually entitled to treaty benefits.

See the following guidance notes:

  1. •

    Tax treatment of partnerships and partnership types

  2. •

    Foreign trading income

If a

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Anne Fairpo
Anne Fairpo


With effect from 1 June 2021, Anne Fairpo is a judge of the First-tier Tribunal sitting in the Tax Chamber. She was previously a fee-paid judge in the same Chamber. Her contributions to LexisPSL Tax and TolleyGuidance were written before her full-time appointment and are her personal view as she is not authorised to write on behalf of the Tribunals Service or the judiciary. Until April 2021, Anne was a tenant at Temple Tax Chambers. She was called to the bar in 2009 after 15 years as a solicitor. Anne’s experience and expertise covers UK and international corporate tax planning and disputes, having acted for a range of clients from small owner-managed businesses to listed multinationals, as well as having advised on intellectual property taxation and UK-US cross-border tax planning, with regard to both direct and indirect tax matters

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