Exempt transfers for IHT

Produced by a Tolley Trusts and Inheritance Tax expert
Trusts and Inheritance Tax

Exempt transfers for IHT

Produced by a Tolley Trusts and Inheritance Tax expert
Trusts and Inheritance Tax

This guidance note details transfers which are exempt for IHT purposes. Some exemptions apply on lifetime transfers and on death but others apply only to lifetime transfers. These are clearly noted below. Potentially exempt transfers (PET) will be entirely exempt where the donor survives for seven years. Lifetime only exemptions include annual exemptions, the marriage exemption, small gifts and the normal expenditure out of income exemption. Spouse exemption applies on lifetime transfers and transfers on death to exempt the whole value of transfers between UK domiciled (to 5 April 2025) or long-term UK resident (6 April 2025 onwards) spouses. A limited exemption applies where the transferee spouse is non-domiciled (to 5 April 2025) or not long-term UK resident (6 April 2025 onwards). Various other exemptions apply including the charity exemption, donations to some political parties, gifts to the nation or a housing association and gifts to maintenance funds for a historic building and employee trusts.

Exempt transfers ― summary

Total exemption

A transfer is exempt from IHT where it is:

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