Special tax sites

Produced by a Tolley Employment Tax expert
Employment Tax

Special tax sites

Produced by a Tolley Employment Tax expert
Employment Tax

Special tax sites

Particular tax treatment is in place for ‘special tax sites’. Special tax sites are defined as freeports and investment zones. A list of the sites is included in the First year allowances guidance note

Enhanced tax reliefs at special tax sites include:

  1. •

    enhanced rates of structures and building allowance ― see the Structures and buildings allowance guidance note

  2. •

    enhanced capital allowances for companies investing in plant and machinery ― see the Capital allowances ― overview and First year allowances guidance notes

  3. •

    SDLT relief ― see the Stamp duty land tax ― basic rules for companies guidance note

  4. •

    business rates relief

  5. •

    zero-rate of secondary NIC for special tax site employees ― see below

Zero-rate of secondary NIC for special tax site employees


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