Holding companies ― VAT grouping

Produced by a Tolley Value Added Tax expert
Value Added Tax

Holding companies ― VAT grouping

Produced by a Tolley Value Added Tax expert
Value Added Tax

This guidance note looks at the effect of VAT grouping a holding company with its subsidiaries.

For an overview of VAT and holding companies generally, see the Holding companies ― overview guidance note.

For VAT grouping generally, see the VAT group and divisional registration ― overview guidance note.

How does VAT grouping impact a holding company’s entitlement to recover VAT?

Subject to meeting the conditions outlined in the VAT groups ― conditions guidance note, a holding company may join a VAT group. Even holding companies which do not have any trading (business) activities or which make only exempt supplies may be entitled to VAT group with their subsidiaries.

However, HMRC will not accept that joining a VAT group on its own will automatically give rise to an entitlement to VAT recovery.

HMRC has indicated that VAT grouping cannot change a non-economic activity into an economic activity (for the VAT status

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