Limit on income tax liability of non-residents

Produced by a Tolley Personal Tax expert
Personal Tax

Limit on income tax liability of non-residents

Produced by a Tolley Personal Tax expert
Personal Tax

This guidance note covers the statutory rules that limit the income tax liability of non-resident individuals. For details of when an individual is considered to be non-resident in the UK, see the Determining residence status (2013/14 onwards) guidance note.

This guidance note considers the UK income tax position of non-residents. For the UK capital gains tax position, see the Non-resident capital gains tax (NRCGT) on UK land ― individuals and UK capital gains tax liability of temporary non-residents guidance notes and Simon’s Taxes C1.602 (non-residents with a UK branch or agency).


Non-resident individuals with UK source income can either:

  1. β€’

    be taxed on UK source income under the normal rules. If so, they are entitled to a personal allowance (so long as they are resident in a territory covered by ITA 2007, s 56, see the Personal allowance guidance note), or

  2. β€’

    use the rules on limiting UK tax liability in ITA 2007, ss 811–828 (referred to as the β€˜special rules’ in this guidance note), but under these rules, they cannot benefit from the

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