Money laundering considerations

Produced by Tolley in association with
Owner-Managed Businesses

Money laundering considerations

Produced by Tolley in association with
Owner-Managed Businesses

This guidance note gives an overview of the obligations imposed on tax advisers in relation to money laundering offences.


All businesses that are covered by the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 have to put in place suitable anti-money laundering controls. These regulations were strengthened with effect from 10 January 2020 by SI 2019/1511, which implemented the fifth EU Anti-Money Laundering Directive and placed a further emphasis on customer due diligence and sought to improve transparency of information on the ownership of companies and trusts. Further changes were made from 30 December 2020 by SI 2020/991 to clarify the 2019 amendments, including what constitutes a ‘reliable source which is independent of the person whose identity is being verified’ for the purposes of SI 2017/692, reg 28(19). While EEA countries no longer hold a specified status for the money laundering regulations post-Brexit, these countries are not considered to be ‘high risk’ and, consequently, the practical requirements of the regulatory regime remain relatively unchanged.

The key requirements of

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Sam Thomas
Sam Thomas

Barrister at 2 Bedford Row , Corporate Tax, Personal Tax

Sam is a tenant at the Chambers of Brian Altman QC and Jim Sturman QC, 2 Bedford Row.His practice encompasses advice and advocacy in relation to Financial Crime, Regulatory Compliance and Cyber Law. He has a particular expertise in defending cases of a complex and high profile nature, often with an international aspect. This includes multi-jurisdictional allegations relating to money laundering, corruption, and bribery. Sam has provided advice in relation to investigations undertaken by the SFO, FCA, HMRC, TPR, ICO and the US Department of Justice.As an author, Sam has written extensively on the civil and criminal aspects of cyber law, and has utilised this knowledge to advise, individuals and corporates, on the interrelation between the online environment and traditional financial structures.He is ranked as a leading junior barrister in the Legal 500.   

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