Registration of non tax-advantaged share schemes

Produced by Tolley in association with
Employment Tax

Registration of non tax-advantaged share schemes

Produced by Tolley in association with
Employment Tax

This guidance note provides practical information about registration requirements for companies operating non tax-advantaged share scheme or arrangements (including companies who make awards of shares or securities to employees, directors and / or other office holders) where tax liabilities may arise in the UK.


Any company operating a non tax-advantaged share scheme or arrangement (eg making awards of shares or other securities to employees, directors or other office holders) is required to give notification of the arrangements to HMRC using its employment-related securities (ERS) online service. No notification is needed when the scheme or arrangement is established, instead registration of an ERS scheme is required at such time as there is a ‘reportable event’. In practice, the first reportable event is often immediately after the scheme is established. For instance, a non tax-advantaged share scheme may be adopted during a company board meeting, with board approval of the initial option grant given in the same meeting.


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Helen Wood
Helen Wood

, Employment Tax

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